Low value personal injury report
No relevant previous medical history, small volume medical records (<60 pages), detailed online pre-medical questionnaire completed by Claimant prior to assessment via secure link. The link to the pre-medical questionnaire can be found here: https://forms.office.com/e/NkNXVzBaRp
A typical example would be a claimant involved a RTA and suffering neurological symptoms as a result of head injury. Claimant attends A&E and discharged home.
Kindly note that even low-value claims can vary significantly in the time required to prepare a report. The process may take longer when interviewing a claimant who has not accurately completed the pre-medical questionnaire and is vague regarding the duration and severity of their symptoms. Additionally, discrepancies between the claimant’s account and the medical records can further prolong the duration of the report preparation. As a result, the report may incur higher costs in comparison to a claimant who experiences a similar accident but submits a detailed questionnaire and provides a precise account of all symptoms and disabilities associated with the incident. Therefore, it is essential that the claimant completes the pre-medical questionnaire as accurately and comprehensively as possible.
2.5 – 3.5 hours @£400/hour +VAT.
Consultation and examination (longer if questionnaire not completed) |
45mins | £225 |
Review of up to 60 pages of medical records |
0.5-1 hour | £200-£400 |
Preparation of report | 45mins-1.5 hour | £300-£600 |
Total estimate | £1000 -£1200 |