Dr N P Hinds has acted as an expert witness in Neurology since 2003. His medical reports are supplied primarily to Solicitors, and occasionally medical defence organisations. He deals with all aspects of Clinical Neurology. The majority of instructions are in relation to personal injury or clinical negligence. Dr Hinds does not routinely accept criminal cases although he frequently gives pro-bono advice. He has undertaken formal training as an expert witness and achieved The Certificate of Expert Witness Accreditation (Cardiff University / Bond Solon) in 2004. This certification involves training in report writing, giving evidence in Court, relevant Law theory and he has been successfully examined in these matters.
Dr Hinds can normally complete a report within 4 weeks of instruction, depending on complexity. His workload is split approximately 70% claimant and 30 % defendant, although he has carried out several cases as a single joint expert. Dr Hinds is available to discuss potential instructions free of charge prior to any formal commitment.
Areas of Expertise include:- Head Injury, Headache, Whiplash, Peripheral nerve injuries/disorders, Spinal cord injury, Epilepsy, Stroke, Subarachnoid and Cerebral Haemorrhage.
Curriculum Vitae
A brief summary of qualifications and other relevant certificates and degrees can be downloaded by clicking here.
Sample Medical Reports
Sample reports written by Dr N P Hinds is available by clicking the links below:-
Personal Injury Report
Medical Negligence Report